By Steven Deam, Sr. – CNC Industries, Inc.  Fort Wayne, Indiana

August 13, 2009

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This has been an interesting week for CNC Industries.   After placing a sign in our front yard a few weeks ago which states:  100% Hard working people here / ZERO stimulus dollars at work here, I was first interviewed on-camera by Indiana’s NewCenter of Fort Wayne, Indiana.     After reading their printed report

[here] and watching their video [here], I was disappointed with the way the message was portrayed.

Literally just a few minutes after making a post to our website, expressing my dissastisfaction with Indiana’s NewCenter’s report, I was contacted by a column writer for the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel newspaper.   Kevin Leininger indicated that he heard that I wasn’t real pleased with the news coverage and asked if he could interview me to discuss the message of the sign in more detail.   I told him I would be happy to… (although admittedly I had some reservations that it may be more of the same.)

I was interviewed by Kevin on Wednesday, August 12, 2009.    Even though I felt the interview went well, I was still a little apprehensive about seeing his “take” on my interview in print.    I am happy to report that I am very happy with his piece.   Kevin reported my feelings about the sign very accurately and without distortion.  He even had the courage to expound on it with his personal opinions – even though his opinions go against the grain of many of today’s attitudes.

Thank you Kevin Leininger!

Read Kevin’s article [Here]